Saturday, August 18, 2007

Yes, here I am. I waited around ALL damn day for Direct Tv people to show up. I even called to make sure they were coming. My appt time was between 1-5. Well, at 4:45 a guy shows up and we spend 15 minutes outside attempting to find a good place for the dish to actually go that he and I can agree on. He was a sweet kid...but truly a kid. He tells me this is his first week out in a truck by himself. Gotta tell you that made me a bit nervous. Well, he gets inside and brings 3 boxes. Turns out they didn;t get the order right. He spent an hour on the phone---most of it on hold mind you. Then I spent 30 minutes trying to straighten things out. Lets just say after LOTS OF PATIENCE on MY PART. They have to come back with the right equipment and they can't do that for 2 MORE weeks. I called and got rid of everything but basic from Media com yesterday...telling myself I would 250 channels with Direct. Well NO SAINTS GAME for me tonight, or NEXT weekend.

I'm pissed off.


Kathy said...

If that had happened to me and I had missed my NASCAR race, there would have been hell to pay!

Chris H said...

Bloody typical... poor guy, it wasn't his fault either. Lucky you didnt' scream at him ,I would have in my present mood!

Christine said...

Come watch TV with me this week. I have Wednesday and Thursday off. I planned to sit on the couch anyways. :)

Take care!


Thats why I have just stuck with cable - we tried the satellite thing and it seems like it always went out when there was wind or rain or whatever the occasion. Sorry they screwed you. :(

Rachel said...

Sounds like Charter!! God love him; you know that kid probably wasn't properly trained to begin with. The Colts (one of my favs - gotta follow the Chiefs cuz they have Brodie) and Bears on Thursday night. Can't wait!

Got a few little photos up if you wanna see them.

Love ya girl. Hang in there.

BarnGoddess said...

that sounds just like DirectTV!

have you looked into Dish?

Mick & Cathy said...

Doesn't surprise me its just the same over here, I had a new Gas boiler fitted and they brought all the wrong bits first time.
These people make their living selling things you'd think they would get it right.