Wednesday, December 27, 2006


OK. I'm home. I'm wiped out. Mom had her second round of Chemo this morning. Her hair started coming out in patches last night. She is terribly upset about that. Can you blame her?
My trip was stressful cause she was so on edge about everything. SHe broke down several times about how she feels such a LOSS of control. My dad was being a TOTAL asshole...not towards her, but to me. If I had stayed another day, I certainly would have said a few things that I would regret later. He's never hurt me the way he did this Christmas.

I have tons to do here....Yankee candles here I come. I need good smells filling my house. I need warmth and relaxation after I unload my car and feed my babies.....

I hate that I have less than a week and I am back at work~


TitanThirteen said...

[[[Hugs]]] I hope the damage here gets repaired. I don't know your Dad, but he was probably reacting to a mixture of emotions regarding your Mum. He probably didn't even realise he was being a bastard :o(
My Mum died of cancer about 7 years ago and i didn't cry or get upset. Instead i got angry and nasty to everyone. I don't know why i did that because i'm not naturaly a nasty person. At the time i didn't even realise how mean i was being and i still cringe when i think of some of the things i said/attitudes i displayed :o(
Your Mum most be feeling really scared, and your Dad must be feeling really helpless.
I hope it sorts itself out [[[More hugs]]]

Rachel said...

I agree with cactusfreak. He can't lash out at your mom, the guilt would be too much. So, it's tranferance, I bet. But you did the right thing because you don't want the added stress of having to patch up a relationship on top of everything else.

You got Mitch, I got the Elvis impersonater. Wanna double date?!!!!

Mick & Cathy said...

The Ladies are calling this one correct your dad must be feeling the stress. The clue is in your post saying he has never hurt you like that before.

I hope this is the start of the road to recovery for your mum. Keep your chin up girl you are a good daughter.

Hannah said...

I agree with what's been said. Dad was probably reacting to the stress. It's not right, but you were probably an outlet for all that he's feeling. You've always described him as a cold fish, so he probably is at a complete loss as to handle all this.

I'll continue praying for your mom. I can't imagine how she must be feeling.

Relax. Watch re-runs of SATC and burn some candles . . . and maybe some choclate cake from J Carrino's.

FelineFrisky said...

I, too, am in agreement with all here. It's transference.

How 'bout a candle lit, wine galss full, soothing music playing, cake eating bubble bath?

Aw, and let the babies play with the bubbles!

D :)