Friday, December 01, 2006

sick leave

OK. I'm up. The last few weeks I have had the TOUGHEST time sleeping and staying asleep if I ever fall alseep.
I finally got out of bed after lying there thinking about lesson plans for the next week. GRRRRR

I shopped a bit after work today. Bath and Body. I picked up some wall flower refills and some caramel body wash....I'm clean, and I smell good, but damn if I can sleep! I watched Ugly Betty tonight, her boss is a hottie.

I may be going to M.D. Anderson a cancer center in Houston with my mom. She asked my aunt to go, but I know my aunt isn't up to such a big trip physically unless ABSOLUTELY necessary. MOm has another doc appt on Monday. If he gives her a referral, I know she'll try to get in. It would well be worth the trip. I am not sure if I should take my 2 weeks saved for sick leave, or leave with out pay not knowing how long I would/could be gone..... thoughts??? My aunt seems to think she may be able to get in by Christmas. Keep saying prayers, they are so important.


FelineFrisky said...

My thoughts and prayers are with your Mom. I hope that she can gerert right in. Spending the holidays in a hospital stinks, bu if it's gonna be what keeps you going - be strong. Fell better soon.

I would take the 2 weeks sick time, then request family leave time. You would be caring for a direct relative. That would secure your position for you. Check into it. hugs - D

Rachel said...

You can request leave under the Family Medical Leave Act. What that does is protect your employment - they don't have to give you the same job when you return but they do have to give you a compatible one. So, if you do need an extended time off, I'd file under the FMLA.

Are you paid 9 in 12 or 12 in 12 or 9 in 9? That could help you decide whether to use your sick leave or not.

Mick & Cathy said...

My thoughts are with your Mum.

BarnGoddess_01 said...

FMLA is a good way to go. How long can you afford to be off work w/out pay tho is the big decider.

I think about you and your mom quite a bit. Sending positive thoughts out :)

is tonite DATE night?

BarnGoddess_01 said...

did u have your date lastnight?