Friday, March 30, 2007

Yes, AMEN ok AMEN PRAISE THE LORD I made it through the week. I have next week off for Spring Break. I am going to relax some this weekend. I am going shopping at the base (Ft. Benning) right after school with my aunt. I can get my cosmetics at about 2 or 3 dollars off of what I pay for them at Dillards. I get my big Yankee Candle Jars at about 1-2 dollars off. I get my ink jet cartridges at about 4-6 dollars off, and my fax machine cartridges about 5 bucks off. Plus my Fance feast about 37 cents intead of 46...when I buy close to 100 cans, it really does add up.

*A* emailed and called the last two days hoping we could see each other, I have been so busy doing stuff and stressing over EVERYTHING...that I haven't seen him since before Mom's surgery. He's not available ALL next week, unless, I get him at his lunch I gotta call him for tonight or tomorrow......I hate to commit to stuff not knowing how I will feel come 9:00p.m. See how I see myself....just not quite as delectable.

Greg called Tuesday and left a message. I haven't called him back yet. I mean there was no point this is the weekend he drives his daughter to Anniston to see the Ex-wife. He'll be there all weekend.

Tuesday morning I am going to Savannah with *B*. My guy buddy. He is managing to tear himself away from his beau for a night. We are going to take a trolley tour of Savannah, go to one if not BOTH of Paula Deens dining establishments. I will run by and see "J". Nope, not telling him, I haven't spoken to him in a week. I will just pop up Tuesday. If he wants to join us for dinner great, if not oh well. We are going shopping on River Street~

I don't plan on New Orleans right now. Mom can tell how stressed out I have been and told me I needed a break. I really do, if she is telling me this.


Which guy do you like better or find more attractive???

Phil is a current golf champion. He's beat and will be going up against Tiger Woods. He's my age and rather attractive I think.
This is John Mayer. His sultry sound is one that can bring me to my knees. "Your Body is a Wonderland" and his current hit, "Waiting on the World to change". His choice in who he dates is left to be desired. However, he's quite the cutie don't you think???


Rachel said...

I must be ill - I don't think either one is attractive. OMG - maybe all this stress of dealing with TTA is turning me into a lesbian! OH GAWD. No, wait. I still lust after Greg (the one here) so I'm fine. Whew. That scared me for a minute!!

I am glad you are getting way. You have earned it, my friend.

As for me, I'll just keep banging my head against the brick wall until either the wall caves in and kills me or my head explodes.

Bare said...

Yay! Congrats on making it through the week! I'm TOTALLY envious of the deals you're gonna be getting (WISHING I lived near ya!) Glad to hear that you got an e-mail from *A*-- hate you can't get together with him though :0(

As for Greg, I don't blame you for not calling him back-- if he's not got the time for ya right now (having the kids and having to take them to the ex wife or whatever-- you know what I mean)

Anyway, I hope you have a great weekend *hugs*

TitanThirteen said...

If i had to pick out of the pictured choices, i'd say the guy in the extreem right in the background of the first pic! lol

Try to relax this holiday ok? Keep an eye out for cactus fridge magnets for me while shopping! lol it lol

Seriously :o)


Mick & Cathy said...

I'm like Rachel and don't find any of the blokes attractive so I must be a Lesbian.

Have a great break from school.

Oral said...

I like John MAyer. He's sexy

Moby Dick said...

Choose the guy who looks the least gay, and you are bound to improve your chances.