Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Just feeling *frustrated* that J hasn't called or emailed in 2 days. MEOW~ A blog buddy told me to leave him alone as to not come across as a PEST. But I'm aggravated, and want to exercise self control....So far so good. But DAMN it sucks! He's not an asshole ya'll but something is up with him.


Moby Dick said...

He's probably gay. More than likely he had one of those experiences where he was about to call you up and then he saw some good looking guy on TV and he suddenly realized that he is gay.

Don't feel bad, it is not your fault. My best friend once told me about being in bed with a new girlfriend and not being able to get an erection. I told him it was nothing to worry about, he just had an off night.

A few weeks later he told me that he had come to the conclusion that he was gay and flitted away to a different lifestyle to explore his sexuality and I have never heard from him again.

Sooner or later, you will find a nice guy who isn't gay. Have faith.

FelineFrisky said...

Don't know that he's gay, but something is def up with him. He's got an issue to resolve for himself. Put him om the back burner for now. Work with the better odds in your life, ya know what I mean.

D :)

Rachel said...

It could be so much - male PMS, stupidity, scared - who knows. Just remember, God had to create women cuz He created man first, realized He'd screwed up and then fixed it by creating woman!

TitanThirteen said...

What exsactly have you said to him after the night?
You could just send a quick note saying something like, "Hey, I haven't heard from you and i'm hoping you are ok. Just drop me a curtious [however its spelt] line to let me know either way if things are cool between us alright?"

That's not pushy, but it's showing assertiveness and letting him know you aren't prepared to play games :o)

Life's too short for that bullshit!