Thursday, November 16, 2006

Never do you want this call

OK. Mom just called. It's cancer. They have her going to do a total body scan next Tuesday to check for other growths. It is the size of your fingers put together excluding your palm.
DOc will let her know if she is having Chemo before or after the surgery. I feel devastated. She is trying so hard to be strong. I know she feels alone. I am going home next week even if for a couple of days. I need to be there for her, even if I am still on crutches with this damn ankle.



Rachel said...

Girl, you've got my thoughts and prayers. Please know I am sending ehugs your way and prayers for you and your mom.

Keep your chin up. This doc just saved your mom's life and it will all be okay. Take it one day at a time - my mom survived breast cancer twice. Both my sisters - once. It can be done and if I can help in any way, even though we haven't met, I'm here for you.

Hannah said...

I left some love on your machine.

Try to stay positive. MANY women survive this, and if your mom is anything like you (strong and determined), she'll be fine.

Please let me know if you need anything!

foodiechickie said...

I am so sorry. I hope your mother has a speedy recovery.

Meow Meow said...

Rachel- Thank you for the ehugs and prayers.

Hannah- Thank you for the phone call last night .

leesah K- Thanks for stopping by the blog and for the sweet words.

Foodiechicc- I liked your blog, so many food ideas..and NYC..good combo! I want a recovery for her as well.

Mick & Cathy said...

I've just started reading your blog and looks like its a bad time for you and your family.
Hopfully your mum will be in the early stages and the doctor has done a good job spotting the cancer early.
I've known a few people that have made a full recovery and I hope that happens with your mum.

BarnGoddess_01 said...

my thoughts are with you and your mother.

This is something that can be beat.

now, its time to kick some *ss...

Swampwitch said...

Barngoddess sent me over...I am a breast cancer survivor and would be happy to offer any support that I can. I am away from home until Sunday, and will be able to visit then if you are interested.
Cancer is not a death sentence...I had did not have me.

has several cancer awareness post in the October Archives.