Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Grandpa cashing checks

Without any paperwork, Grandpa started getting a $500 check every month. So Grandpa and Grandma started cashing them.

It turns out the government made a mistake with the address; the checks were intended for another person with the same name.

Grandpa then received a notice that he had to pay back $6,000. Visibly upset, he complained to his grandson, an accountant.

His grandson asked: "Grandpa, didn't you wonder why you were receiving checks for doing absolutely nothing?"

Grandpa answered: "I just assumed the Democrats were back in power.


I really had a crappy day. I'm home and gonna shower and crash. How many of you shop at Bath & Body works? If you have ever used their wall flower sets let me know your favorite scent....I need a few new ones and want feedback. Keep in mind NO cinnamon or peppermint....

I want a professional chef to come over 3 times a week and cook healthy Yummy meals for me. Will anyone kindly arrange that????



The strawberry daquiri set is yuuuuuuuuuuumy mmm mmm goood. Just don't try to eat it... I still have a tummy ache.

Rachel said...

I like the idea of a crouton on the sundae to make it a salad. And, of course, it would be a low carb salad, right???

Mick & Cathy said...

I think Grandpa should have had a memory lapse and denied recieving the cheques.

BarnGoddess_01 said...

when Oprah lends me that 10 mil and her personal chef, Ill help ya out :)