Thursday, November 01, 2007

Well, I am feeling kinda good today. I had an Internet date last night. I think it went really well. We stayed at the restaurant 3 1/2 hours just talking. He is working on his Ph.D. He is a professor at a local college and has recently applied at Auburn. He'll find out in March.

He's attractive....from a small town in Mississippi and enjoys cars. He's divorced and has two girls...They are still in Miss. So his hometown is about an hour from my parents. It's a small world. I enjoyed the conversation and look forward to another date. Wish me luck.
I am not getting my heart set.....but he certainly has several of the qualities that I want in a mate. So we'll just wait and see....

Back to work I go. I get kids in 20 minutes....


Christine said...

Sounds like a good guy. Over three house of conversation is a great start!! Good for you!

Chris H said...

oooo sounds interesting eh? Good luck on the next date.

Mick & Cathy said...

Hey good for you, I really hope this works out, sounds sort of promising to me.

Good Luck. xx

BarnGoddess said...

hmmmm, sounds good but I need more info.