Tuesday, November 27, 2007


I really had a great weekend! Sorry ya'll will get tired with my ***blissful*** moments. They are few and far between, so I am trying to enjoy them.
The presentation went all right. I am happy it's over with. I was bummed she gave me 8 out of 10 points. MEOW.
I am thinking of putting together a few *coupons* for R for this weekend. Wanna throw me a couple of ideas? I have a few of my own....and wanted some of my *love bloggers* to offer feedback~~~ THINK THINK THINK~ Mick, tell me from a guys point what kind of coupon you'd like besides sex....
Saturday..is a one month anniversary. (My god we have moved quickly)....I am going to take him to my favorite place for dinner Sat night. He wants to watch the LSU Tennessee game Sat afternoon. I called this morning and tried to get a hair appointment for Sat morning, so I could try to look fabulous!
The salon isn't opened yet = (


Mick & Cathy said...

I reckon he'll be just happy to spend quality time with you. The relationship is still new but be careful not to smother him by trying too hard.
Things are moving along great, he obviously thinks a lot of you.
I'm so pleased this is moving along for you, I realise its what you really do want.
Big Hugs,

Mick & Cathy said...

And I've gone for "Who the hell knows" cos you didn't have a box for "Very Likely".

Rachel said...

Awesome picture!

It sounds pretty positive to me....yay!

TitanThirteen said...

Well it sounds as if you guys are getting along famously [after reading the post before as well] Good on you! Meow :o)
I was with "J" for about 6 years before i realised he's definatly "the one". Don't put expectations or limits on your relationship and you'll be fine :o)

Chris H said...

Has it only been a month? Wow it seems longer... take a deep breath and try not to smother the relationship mate... give it time to mature and see who it goes!

TB--Milwaukee said...

Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm a secret Saints fan too. I was really rooting for them last year, not sure what happened this year. Can't wait till the big Packer/Cowboy game on Thursday. It is all that's on the news this week around these parts.