Thursday, November 15, 2007

Here's hoping the professor turns out to be the genuine article! I can deal with a few abnormalities....

I went to a Staff Development seminar today. It was alright actually. I was blessed with L and H that I work with----two of my favorite people. The topic was geared to English---which is my field.

She let us out an hour earlier than if I had gone to school. I hopped into my car and went to the professor's house. He took the day off cause he was feeling crappy. She let us go at 3 and I knew he had a doc appt--they worked him in this morning. So I got there just in time to drive him to his doc's appointment. He invited me to the back for the doc visit, which shocked me. I was expecting to sit in the waiting room. SERIOUSLY~

He said I earned major brownie points for being so thoughtful. = )

He's so hard headed. He went and taught his night class tonight. But he's not going in tomorrow. He's packing, resting and then driving to get his girl's tomorrow night. We're going to dinner on his way out. He wanted to skip rush hour traffic.

Sunday he is (making me go) to a drag race that lasts most of the day. The four of us are should be interesting. At least for me. I have never been to one....Pray for me! (See my city gal roots are coming out)!!!!!!Suggestions? I plan to put on jeans and tennis shoes. (I am missing the SAINTS Game for this) Can you tell now I really like him???????


Chris H said...

Take a book.. if you don't like cars!!! Maybe it will be exciting... but I wouldn't hold my breath! Have a neat weekend chick.

Mick & Cathy said...

One thing worries me here, why do you mention abnormalities ?

I agree with Chris H I find Motor sport boring (everyone to their own) but saying that you need to show interest in what the Prof enjoys, thats all part of building a solid relationship. Saying that its a two way thing and he needs to show interest in things you enjoy, how about a trip to see the NO Saints.

You need to meet his kids, and you must accept them (and them you) cos they will always come first with him. Anyone who dates somebody with kids has to realise this, it comes with the package.

I hope this works out for you but always protect against been used.

TitanThirteen said...

A drag race, i'm sooo jealous! I love that stuff!

Let us know how it goes with the kids.

Anonymous said...

The things you put up for love. Make sure you take ear plugs or covers cause drag racing is loud!

Have a great time.

Meow Meow said...

Chris H- I think he would be insulted if I took a book. He wants me to take photos of him racing.

WRB- Bummer you are "hiding" out from us....The abnormalities, I was refering to the "NORMAL" aspect presented by MAXINE. He's cool. He can cook and Iron...he has a few other talents, I won't mention yet.

CF- Hmm..well why don't you hop on a plane and come keep me company on Sunday???