Friday, September 22, 2006


Well, I made it throught another week. =) NO dead bodies...

I have several things I need to do this weekend, but unfortunately that all involve money. I need to win the lotto, but if I actually played the lotto it would increase my odds dramatically, I would think..

I want to know how I could add a link or a box or something (I am illiterate blog wise) where you guys can drop off on going post???? Someone tell me they know what I am talking about please.... I want to make my own book of sorts....Appetizers, salads, main course, and desserts.


BarnGoddess_01 said...

TGIF is right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

you do not play the lottery? I play it faithfully 2X a week. I know 2 people who have actually WON it (MI lotto)I play the Okla lottery and powerball when it gets to BIG money..


I am blogger you can see from my own blog. You could always start another 1 page recipe blog and link it to here (meow,meow) just disable comments and stuff like that

Hannah said...

I'm not sure how to make something where people can drop info off . . . I know how to post my own stuff, but not a place for other people to leave stuff. You could search for a tag board, but I don't have one, so I'm not sure how to do it. :-(