Thursday, December 06, 2007

Well, it's finally Thursday. I am feeling a bit odd. (Sorry that is normal for me).
Last night R surprised me with two bouquets of burgundy and white chrysanthemums. I was in a moo moo doing dishes out of the shower and with my hair on top of my head . I looked like a ton of bricks hit me. Can I say scary?

He came in and grabbed some of the Christmas lights I bought and set them out in my yard. He did a pretty good job. We watched a little tv and talked. He apologized for being a butt head Monday night. He was just really cranky.

Tomorrow is Friday. Can I say AMEN?

How pushy am I to have sent him and email that reads: "OK. You said once or twice that you didn't know what to shop for when it came to me.
I am going to go out on a limb and act completely presumptious...geeze do I hope I am not making a mistake on this one. I was in Sam's last week and saw a couple of things that I liked. So I am going to include a link......please don't misconstrue this as pressure. Think of it as getting to know my taste.....

Sam's Club - Search Results "


Meow Meow said...

You guys click on the Sam's Club's not a different color. Look at prices and tell me I made a HUGE mistake.

BarnGoddess said...

I read the post below. I am a BBW nowadays. I wish I was thin like I was in my teens,twenties, and very early 30's but thats just not gonna happen unless I become anorexic (I like food too much)


if I have some kinds of weightloss surgery (not gonna happen because I am not 300 pounds)


bulimic (did that once so I could wear a bikini, not fun, never will be repeated again)

My husband prefers woman who are curvey, as do a lot of my guy friends.

People who are pressuring you to lose weight should be ignored after their initial comment on the subject. You KNOW all the health risks, ect. You are an intelligent grown woman, theyve said their thoughts about it, now for tactfulness and understanding they need to shut up about it.

If you decide to drop some pounds, do it for YOU YOU YOU YOU and no one else. Not for some man, for a relative, for any damn thing other than YOURSELF.

Ive seen photos of you and I think you are gorgeous. I am sure R thinks the same thing. Not sure what to make about his 'chunky' comment on his Ex though. Sometime when men say things, they come out wrong. Believe me, I know from experience.

I went to the Sams link- did you send him that? did y'all set a xmas budget price?

I like those earrings btw
Ive been crazy busy-literally, I am going loco from all the people around me wanting a piece of my time. I am so close to screaming, "leave me alone!" and running out to the barn to hide with my horses--------Im pathetic arent I?

Chris H said...

I fhe really digs you, he will go buy at least one of those!!! You have lovely taste.... hope it all works out sweetie.

Mick & Cathy said...

Nah if you mean anything to him your well in the price range he should be looking at.
Hell this is your first christmas as a couple he should spoil you rotten.

Big Hugs xx

celtic_girl said...

I loved the jewellry and no I dont think you made a mistake, after all he has asked you twice. I know I would rather get something the person wanted than buy somehting they would never use.

angelfish24 said...

I don't know, if he asked what you liked then why not the link? At least he will get something you like if he picks that and if they don't have ideas then they usually pick out something we don't like at all.
Sorry he hurt your feelings, he prob. just didn't think before talking. I hate it when people talk to be about my weight and I have this one friend who just won't give up. I heard her the first time, I know the health risks and if they keep going on and will risk the friendship and it has for us. We need positive people in our life and not ones that bring us down by saying "if you do this and lose weight you will be so much better" and saying that "they are just concerned for us". Sometimes I think it is more than that and about them or that they are embarrassed about us. I don't know. It is really hard to talk about wt with others as it is a sensistive subject that is for sure.
Hope you have a nice weekend!!

TitanThirteen said...

Sams is kinda expensive. Don't judge his feelings for you by the gift he gets you.
John [my hubby] bought me the first season of The Twilight Zone on DVD for Christmas. It cost $54 but it's what i wanted. I really wanted the 4 season set, but we couldn't afford it. I'm more than happy with one season at a time though!
I'm REALLY hard to buy for! I have to tell John what i want. I'm not good with surprises.
For my birthday he surprised me with the first DVD season of The Brady Bunch. I LOVE The Brady Bunch! But we'd just watch the first season re-runs on tele lol

Be happy with whatever R gives you. Over the years [if you stay together] the presents will be more and more "you"
The first birthday i spent with John, he bought me a tacky, locket necklace [gee i hope he doesn't read this!! lol] It soooo wasn't me! But now i love it, because i realise he put a lot of thought into buying it. And that's special :o)

Go you, with the flowers!!

Rachel said...

I love the idea of sending him a link but if it were me I would have put a few more options in with different price ranges (higher and lower just in case).

Hope you get what you want.