Saturday, July 28, 2007

Yep, this will be me and one of my kitties, very shortly.
I had a long day. Ran errands, and still fell as though nothing was accomplished. I have tons of housework to do...and damn...I don't wanna!
I went back to the beauty school and had what they call reflexology. They work on your hands and feet. You have pressure point and these massage techniques are supposed to make your "inner" body parts function more productively.
After that I went back to Rodney and had him shampoo and style my hair. I just felt like it! He only charged me 20 bucks. = )
Tomorrow, I will force myself to 3 loads of laundry, and dishes and changing linens.
No news on Romeo--ok well I got his last name. I have a couple of people working on it. But, I'm sure I am getting my hopes up and he'll be a total retard or an ass....
I'm going to bed so that I might be 40% productive tomorrow. I have lots on my mind tonight~ I may share tomorrow.


Mick & Cathy said...

Cute Picture, I hope Romeo turns out to be the real deal, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

BarnGoddess said...

yep, Im w/ wrb, lets hope Romeo turns out to be a decent guy.

my house is messy too. it's clean but it's messy from my family. it sucks!

do share whats on your mind...inquiring minds wanna know

Christine said...

Cute cats. Sounds like you are making progress on Romeo. Wish that I had a summer investigation to do - sounds like fun!! Have a great day.

Rachel said...

Well, don't expect too much - just hope for something good. It could be he's a cool guy who may need a friend at first and someone to help him work through the stress of the divorce. You gotta get to talk to him and feel him out and see where he is. He may be like me - glad to be out, ready to start over but still has some issues to get said and done in court?!!

FelineFrisky said...

What an adorable pic! Awwwww!

Mammogram went fine, it was quick & painless. It's plastic plates now, not metal. I had the results before I left the office and an appointment for next year!

Everything went well. Please don't be afraid. It's prevention. Go & get it done. It's important. Especially since it runs in the family.

Schedule it. It takes 20 minutes. Do it! For your Mom.

D :)

Anonymous said...

Just do like I do and expect the new romeo to be a retard or total ass!:) I haven't had time to be here for awhile. I'm a property owner next week,finally,she caved in and felt guilty. She deserved to for ripping me back from California. email me and I'll tell you more. It's not as big as yours or anything gingerlee2007atyahoo

Unknown said...

what a cute pic. I hope things work out for you and romeo :)

Sweet and Salty said...

Very cute pictures!!! Good luck with Romeo...