Thursday, January 24, 2008

Signs of EMOTIONAL EATING---( God I do it ALL the time!!!)

You strongly crave a certain comfort food, and a healthier choice won't do.
The urge to eat passes if you delay a few minutes.
The urge to eat is accompanied by a trigger, such as an emotion (stress, boredom or even happiness), particular place, person or situation.
You are eating to fill a void (loneliness, emptiness, lack of fulfillment).
You eat quickly, gobbling the food down without tasting or enjoying it.
You want a snack to relax, unwind or reward yourself.
You've eaten within the last two or three hours.

I have a busy day at work. Hope yours is short and sweet.


Anonymous said...

All of the above.

Have a good week though.


Lyn said...

yep they fit me as well. Never used to consider myself a comfort eater until I had 12mths of full on stress and yep I ate and ate!! I remember thinking to myself one day "I feel yucky, I need to eat!"

FelineFrisky said...


Me, too. Sigh..... Ain't menstration & menopause enough??!!! Grrrrr!!!

I always crave something salty, like cheese crunchies or corn chips. I usually have a glass of tea instead.

Hang in there, Saturday's coming as fast as it can!

D :)

Anonymous said...

I think a lot of this fits us all.

Bare said...

Luckily, I don't do it-- but now, when I'm craving something-- watch out, I'll gnaw off your hand to get to it *LOL*
