I have a killer headache. I took 3 tylenol in the last 2 hours...no relief yet. I know it's sinus stuff. All the people I work with have it. UGHHH
Ok, I need help for a friend we will call L. L has a lot of bad feelings towards her parents. She has always been the one to excel, but never gets the recognition she deserves. I mean NEVER. I think it causes problems for her in relationships. She sees herself as a failure with boyfriends, marriage and only holds on to her career. Is there anything I can do to build up her self esteem?
She seeks approval from family and will never get it. How can she cope?
I had yesterday off. I needed the rest. I did ALOT of school/ work.. I cleaned up some. Flo finally left me. Thank GOD!!!!
Not much advice coming from me I'm afraid... tell your friend to move on and stop waiting for something that probably will never happen or... she will be miserable for the rest of her life. *shrugging*
I sympathise with your friend as I grew up very similar. but I think it's a maturity thing. As I got older I realised I never needed their approval and that the issues I had with them was their issue not mine so therefore it was not my place to stress about it.
She will come to learn that lesson soon enough. For the meantime just be there for her when she needs to talk.
Ugh-- SO sorry about the headache-- I've been plagued with sinus problems for the past couple of mouths...
Anyway, I'm also so sorry for your friend. The best thing you can do is continue to encourage her, and give her the praise and recognition that she doesn't get elsewhere. Unfortunately, it's completely up to her to realize that she is a success, no matter what her parents do or don't think of her.
PS: No new post up at my place, but I really will have one soon-- been really busy with some church stuff and investigations with my paranormal group :0) *hugs*
Hope that you shook off that headache. Not a good feeling at all.
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