Tuesday, May 22, 2007

suggestions?????? ASAP

I feel as if I am playing Peek A Boo and not in a good way.
Currently, at work we have 2 teams in the sixth grade. Team one has 5 teachers- the kids go to English, Math, Science, History and Reading/Literature OR Spanish. This year I taught 2 English classes and 3 Literature classes. (which meant I had 2 preps--planning for parts of speech/poetry vs. novels or short stories. Ok I LOVE my Literature classes. I was the only teacher on my team with 2 preps.
Team two had to add a 6th teacher to their team this year. She came to the school LATE as in a month after school started. She ended up with 4 preps. She is certified in all 4 subject areas. Most of us are only math/science or english/history. Well, of course she told the principal she would NOT stay if she had 4 preps again and WHO could blame her?
Ends up our numbers are going to be HIGH next year more than 300 kids in the sixth grade.
So our principal wants us to have 3 teams instead of two. So team 1= 4 teachers, team 2= 4 teachers , team 3= 3 teachers.
I have to figure out if I have a preference and quickly ~ The english teacher on my team is leaving. I can ask for her slot and work with people I like but I would be STUCK teaching grammar all damn day. (SCREAM) I dealt with 2 classes this year cause they were small 15 kids--compared to 28 in my Literature classes.
OR-- I ask him to move me to the 3rd team and REQUEST the history position. If I get on the 3 man team I would end up with a Grammar class, 3 History and one remedial reading class.
I know one of the teachers, she was new this year, but easy to get along with. The problem would be I am afraid of who he would add to the team ---two teachers on team 2 I LOATHE. They were ROTTEN to me my first year teaching. They put me in tears. I REFUSE to work with them.
So what do I do???????ANyway I go I am screwed. I lose my full time Literature. Do realize I spend some time with my teammates--grade level planning, parent conferences and daily contact. But the MAJORITY of my day will be spitting out subject matter.


Carrie said...

Girl, you've got a tough one there. I'm just not seeing the best way t make this happen. How crappy would it be if you just let the fates handle this one? Bad??? I'm thinking bad.

Well, I know I wouldn't want to be teamed up with 2 craptacular people that I don't like. It would ruin whatever goodness came from it. That's my two cents.

Sorry I haven't been by in a while. I think of you often and hope that you are doing well. Miss you bunches and lots of HUGS to you!!!


I say you gotta request what you want - and tell him about your bad experiences with the assholish others - maybe he will understand, it is definitely worth a shot. 300 kids is A LOT of 6th graders! We have like 20 in our whole school!!

Mick & Cathy said...

This looks like a "No Win" situation all you can do is go with your instincts. As you say you may end up with somewhere different from your choice anyway.
Good Luck on this one.

FelineFrisky said...

Lordy! this is toughy. Write down all the pros & cons for each situation and go with the situation that carries the most pros for you. Every task is a challenge.

300 kids is a huge amount.

I say aim for the option that gives you the literature/history classes - ask for it. tell him about your difficulties with the teachers in question. Work it out between the 2 of you. Make it work out for you.

That's my bit.

D :)

Rachel said...

I love english grammar! I'll help ya make it fun! And what grade? Son just finished 7th and they had some cool ideas for him this year. I could email 'em to ya!

Mick wants you to tell him if Sept is a good month for NewOrleans. Since my birthday is in Sept - the 3 of us could meet so I vote yes!

TitanThirteen said...

If i were you, i'd work on any team other than the bitchy team. They will make your life hell, and make every other work problem seem magnified because of the added stress.

Moby Dick said...

I thought school was over?