Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Sorry ya'll. I have had the last 2 days off no work or college classes...I have been a homebody and lazy as hell. I need downtime and lots of love from kitty cats~

Work was the worst two months I have had. I have to change schools this next school year. I put in for a transfer 2 days late and my principal refused to sign it. I'll have to train a new teacher in the fall and pray that *H* actually comes back.....I just don't even want to think about it.

Married life has it's ups and downs. I am having the hardest time simply because I am not accustomed to having a roommate. It's the little things that I have a rough time with....like finding a sticky remote control, extra dishes, the inability to clean a stove after he cooked.

On the other hand, the ability to wake up next to the man I LOVE, the sweet notes he leaves around the house just because and eventually the few hundred dolars of savings I'll get each month. I am still paying wedding bills, his ring and we're splitting our new bedroom set..but still owe 3000 grand on it. I deserve a pay raise damn it. Teachers are not paid enough to deal with what we do...............

I am addicted to the tanning bed....Its the first year in my life I have ever been in one. I like looking tan!!!!!!! I am geting lots of compliments which is very cool.


Chris H said...

I am sure given time you will settle into married life just fine...... men do have a few annoying little habits that we have to train them out of.. lol.

BarnGoddess said...

men are just plain annoying but sometimes they are worth it....sometimes!

wow-why are you changing schools?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for checking in on Diane.

Mick & Cathy said...

Men can't live with them and can't live without them.

Anyway I always thought it was the women who had the annoying habits.

Bare said...

Girl, it's hell getting used to being married, isn't it? I love Chris with all my heart, but the first year was really hard. When you get set in the way you do things and the way you like things, and then you have someone who comes in and changes everything, it's a BIG change. Having a hard time at work doesn't make things any easier. My aunt is a teacher, too, and retired this year. I know how hard ya'll work and how underpaid you are. Sending hugs and prayers your way, hoping things get better! :0)

Sweet and Salty said...

Married life takes a bit to settle into; give it some time!

I agree with you about teacher salaries. I think a teacher should make at least 100 grand a year.